A dynamic mockup featuring two slightly tilted phones suspended in mid-air. One phone displays the home screen and the other phone displays the main account management screen.


An arrow icon pointing down, symbolizing a downward direction or action.A dynamic mockup featuring two slightly tilted phones suspended in mid-air. One phone displays the home screen and the other phone displays the main account management screen on a light green background.

Enhancing the technician platform experience for HelloTech's technician app redesign

Mar 2022 – Jul 2022

Overview — 001

A more user-centric platform

As a key member of a cross-functional team, I led the design of several end-to-end flows as part of the overhaul for HelloTech's technician app. We reworked all the key touch points between technicians and the platform with the aim of achieving greater technician enablement.


Product Design
UX Research
Interaction Design
Design System

Design Team

Kareem Soliman (me) – Product Designer
Addison Smyth – Director, Product Design
Patrick Martin – Senior Visual Designer




Mobile, Native App


Mar 2022 – Jul 2022

My Role

Design Lead (Account)

A close-up view of the top half of a phone. The screen displays the main account management view from the HelloTech technician app.
A close-up view of the top half of a phone. The screen displays the main profile view from the HelloTech technician app.
A complete view of a phone. The screen showcases the home screen of the HelloTech technician app.
A visual spread featuring four phones, each displaying a distinct screen showcasing various steps in technician-focused platform actions.
An animated clip illustrating a user scrolling through the home screen of HelloTech's technician app.

Dynamic home page

We transformed the cluttered notification list that previously served as the home page into a central hub, contextually displaying upcoming jobs, payments, and other relevant details. The revamped home page also included quick links to various parts of the app, facilitating easy access.

Consolidated account page

We brought together all account functions into a singular, easily accessible hub, including a new profile function and a support hub. This support hub integrates chat and knowledge base articles, aimed at reducing support calls.

An animated clip depicting a user scrolling through the account management view of HelloTech's technician app.
An animated clip showing a user scrolling through the notifications hub of HelloTech's technician app.

Accessible notifications hub

We've revamped the current notification system, transitioning it into a dedicated tab for ease of use. In this tab, alerts are sorted by type, enabling technicians to conveniently access critical, time-sensitive job-related notifications. They can also browse messages containing platform announcements and responses to support inquiries.

Context — 002

Aging platform

HelloTech is a gig-economy platform that connects expert technicians with customers seeking smart-home services.

HelloTech's technician field service app is the core tool that underpins the day-to-day operations of technicians working on the platform. Through the app, technicians receive job offers, complete work orders, track payments, and manage their account. Yet, since its launch in 2016, the app hadn't evolved much and had its share of performance issues. These issues didn't just affect our technicians, but also challenged our support teams who frequently assisted technicians with app-related inquiries.

Problem — 003

Disjointed account management

Kicking off the app's redesign, user surveys and interviews quickly highlighted 3 key challenges technicians faced. While I had a hand in solving each, my primary focus was owning the end-to-end redesign of account management flows, which is the lynchpin of the entire platform experience for technicians and how they interact with HelloTech as a company.

An icon of a pie chart with a slice extending outside, illustrating data visualization and a specific portion of the chart.

Scattered account functions

Core account functions were scattered across the app, causing unnecessary confusion and inefficiency for our technicians.

An icon resembling a life buoy, symbolizing assistance, support, or rescue in a challenging situation.

Lack of support

The app lacked a central hub for support resources, leaving technicians to search around to find necessary help and information.

An icon depicting a file with a dashed line, suggesting a temporary or incomplete state of the file.

Not surfacing relevant information

The app fell short in effectively surfacing important job alerts and notifications, leaving technicians without easy access to key updates.

Opportunity — 005

Defining the problem

How might we rework account management to enable technicians with a better platform experience?

We identified an opportunity to alleviate the pain points of technicians and support staff, by consolidating the fragmented account management flows into a unified hub. This would streamline access to essential functions like job history, payment history, and support.

Strategy — 006

Defining success

Addressing the problems at hand, we set forth a series of user and business goals that would guide our redesign process.

Business goals

Reduce technician churn

Enable technicians with a great platform experience to reduce technician churn.

Reduce support calls

Reduce the volume of support calls by integrating in-app chat and a knowledge base.

User goals

Technician enablement

Improve the holistic technician experience on the platform, so they can focus on work.

Accessible support

Add richer support features to help technicians solve problems independently.

Impact — 008

Improved platform health

The renewed focus on tech enablement started to improve platform health. By streamlining functions and prioritizing user-centered design, we increased efficiency and technician satisfaction, fostering a more robust and responsive platform.

Technician churn reduced
Slight reduction
Technician churn
Technician NPS increased
Slight increase
Technician NPS
Direct bookings increased
Direct bookings

Reflection — 009

Lessons learned

This part of the HelloTech technician app redesign served as a major lesson in stakeholder collaboration. Balancing engineering constraints, business goals, and user habits required close coordination across departments.

The experience didn't just elevate the final product; it taught me how to unify diverse needs into a cohesive design strategy, equipping me for future projects that demand a similar level of cross-departmental engagement.

Next Steps — 010

More ways to serve technicians

As we look ahead, we're not just refining the HelloTech technician app; we're setting the stage for a more comprehensive support system. On deck are features like deeper chat functionalities and an enriched knowledge base to better assist our technicians.

We're also spicing things up with tech tiering and gamification elements—think more job offers as rewards for top-performing technicians. All these initiatives are aimed at making the app not just user-friendly but truly indispensable, aligning it even more closely with business growth.

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